Getting a massage shouldn’t be a ‘luxury’. Regular massages can get expensive; just 15 minutes of hydromassage can provide the same benefits of a 60+ minute session with a masseuse. Hydromassage is cost effective and effective for your health! We hold tension in our muscles and connective tissue when stressed. Hydromassage stimulates the lymphatic system and promotes the release of toxins.

Hydromassage is a technique using water pressure to help alleviate muscle and soft tissue injuries; using a water filled mattress and jets, customers feel both the heat and pressure without having to get undressed.

Single Session $15!

Benefits include:

  • Temporary relief of minor aches and pains.

  • Reduced level of stress and anxiety; improved mood.

  • Increased circulation and range-of-motion.

  • Relief of muscle soreness, stiffness, and tension.

  • Loosens knots and spasms.

  • Helps with pain management.

Red Light Therapy (RLT) utilizes low levels of red or near-infrared light and spurs skin and muscle tissue healing. RLT does not have UV exposure. RLT is thought to work by acing on the ‘power plant’ in your body’s cells called mitochondria. With more energy, other cells can do their work more efficiently, such as repairing skin, boosting new cell growth, and enhancing skin rejuvenation. More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work. RLT increases fibroblast production stimulating collagen production, which gives skin its structure, strength, and elasticity. RLT also increases blood circulation to the tissue and reduces cell inflammation. Red light therapy doesn’t cause trauma to the skin, meaning positive effects are seen without the discomfort, healing time, and possible reactive swelling of traditional lasers. While research is limited, RLT appears to be safe and is not associated with any side effects if used as directed. Limited studies also showed increased memory, better sleep, and angry less often for those with dementia; less pain, clicking, and jaw tenderness for people with temporomandibular dysfunction; and more than 50% pain reduction for those suffering from osteoarthritis.

Benefits include:

  • Improved wound healing.

  • Reduced stretch marks.

  • Reduced wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

  • Improved facial texture.

  • Improvements for psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema.

  • Scar fading.

  • Repaired sun damaged skin.

  • Improved acne.

  • Improved hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia.

Everyone’s skin is different so results will vary. RLT is not a one-time treatment. Learn more: Red Light Therapy: Benefits, Side Effects And Uses – Forbes Health.

*Consult physician before using hydromassage. Not recommended for pregnant women, people with high blood pressure (hypertension), epilepsy, and those with bleeding disorders.